The Proximity

In fact, the attack of a wolf is a projection of human ethics on "cruel" carnivore., Nature is neither carnivorous nor cruel, but simply follow their processes through their representatives. As I never accuse them of cruelty to our defensive system, And why accuse wolves?. Nature is like a great body and everything that happens is "natural to natural." Aggression and ethically we know it is present when the circumstances involved and is present in nature, in a defensive manner. A carnivore "aware" of space-time can ask what you find below an herbivore, whose space-time, but certainly this question does not exist because herbivores, carnivores, moon and sun are the instruments / representatives natural processes. 8. The degree of spontaneity depends on the proximity of the center. Spontaneity is a sign that we're focused. Excess ethics Moreover, the spontaneity is more present in what is new, newborn, newly made, because it is closer to the actual potential (the potential = what is in a dormant state and eventually going to happen …

eg., a battery has electrical power, the actual = what is expressed / displayed in accordance with conditions … eg., in light of a flashlight, music in the speakers.) If we look at a child, we see that is spontaneous, because that is all / any space-time, and so young, and that a mature person is the only way, the spontaneous morality becomes gradually restricted in ethics; Nature is particularized in the ethics of wolf and human. In the human realm, the child, the wise and loving are crazy, irrational, being spontaneous and therefore, show disregard for ethics particularly the elderly, of fools, those who hate.