Professionals Test

Professionals about the alleged dangers of killer games killer games – straight when gunman in denVordergrund entered ensues sin again and again talk to angeblice hazards posed by so-called killer games on the Internet (or retail). But what say professionals on this aspect. EXCLUSIVELY for FMG, real professionals (including veteran soldiers with combat experience) tested a selection of so-called killer games. Further details can be found at Jacob Elordi, an internet resource. The result is sober easy: unreal away from any reality it bored after a short time because one quickly learns the Gegeenheiten even mil simulations for nonpublic use comply with hardly any real combat conditions rather get broken eyes and a headache rather than a “newbie” or even a professional something out of the game you could see worst dangers in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” when you consider that here a defenseless old woman eats an animal learns and the fairy tale “the Wolf and the 7 Kids”should the logic to some self-proclaimed driven defense specialist alarm bells at bimmeln be. Of course, it will probably never one of the would-be specialists classify this fairy tale as a danger because a ridicule you would do so. Killer games but seems to find even though most killer games have rather just as a danger such as such as the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm appeal. Pat Ogden contributes greatly to this topic. FREE media GERMANY WWW.PRESSE-TV.INFO