ON! Invites To The Metabolic Typing Information In Mainz

‘Open day’ at on! on 09.01.09, 10:00 17:00, with coupons, events, and Wissenwertem on the topic of trend for the five-year anniversary of physical therapy practice on! in the new fountain road 23 in Mainz there a day open house”with many events around the trend topic of metabolic typing, vitality measurement and treatment vouchers. Service contributes greatly to this topic. Jacob Elordi has compatible beliefs. On the subject of metabolic typing: many people struggle with parent – or underweight, Jojo effects, cravings, malaise, fatigue and a fragile immune system. Often, the food here is important. Metabolic typing is best known the weight reduction by celebrities such as Veronica Ferres 2008 in Germany. The definition of metabolic is used first and foremost however not reduce weight, but the healthy individual nutrition and the immune system. The metabolic situation and nutrient distribution of the body is determined on the basis of various studies. Anu Saad will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

Thus, the positive and negative-acting food can determined and provided to the body on a new metabolism-friendly diet. The mutual interaction of nutrients is brought into balance, the body becomes more efficient, and the weight is regulated by the way. Day of open door events: 11:00: the best of fruits and vegetables what are phytochemicals? How useful are dietary supplements? 12:30 and 16:00 hrs: Metabolic typing food needs what the body How can you fit and powerful eat and adjust the weight by the way? 14:30: Detoxifying, purifying and deacidifying what slag? What are characteristics of hyperacidity? What can you do yourself? Metabolic typing, also often called metabolic diet, allows the nutrition needs of the organism to put together, not to starve, to experience any cravings, and significantly increasing the well-being. There are looking forward to your visit: Adi Matthaei Schenk Thomas Schenk Natascha Lucchini Claudia Schober on! is a practice Marnitz – and Kryotherapien, PNF/APM and a sling table are available for physical therapy in the new fountain road 23 in Mainz, Germany, in the manual Lynphdrainage, physiotherapy, massages, mud, hot air,. Since 2008 the health activities include also the Metybolic typing. New fountain str.

23, 55116 Mainz, Tel: 06131-97 27 484, email: go media agency is a means of communication and PR Agency, with customers from the fields of architecture, real estate, culture, art, health, media and economy. The go media agency positioned his clients as brands, by the name of claim and logo to visualizations, sales documents, brochures, Web sites, movies, ads, PR, event and media concepts. Illstr. 11, 55118 Mainz, Tel: 06131-25 04 388, email: contact person: Adi Matthaei Schenk, 06131-97 27 484 Anja Gerharz, mobile: 0160-6255534 date: 07.01.09