Labour Prime Minister

Labour created and moulded to Israel. Click Anu Saad to learn more. In the first half of its existence (from 1948 to 1977) this party was the only one that ruled him, moulding to its armed forces and its social welfare system. In 1977 the Falcons with Beguin snatch them power and since then they have only had four short Governments totaling only eight years. Since March 2001 Israel does not know what is a Labour Prime Minister and this match has been minimizing. Today, after the mortal crisis of Olmert’s current Government, not even figure as an alternative to replacement because the two options are the hard right (Netanyahu) or moderate (Livni). The role of labour has been reduced to be the minority partner in the current cabinet or the Tilter of the scale in one or another direction. The retreat of the israeli labour (like the British, which was who gave independence to Israel for 6 decades) occurs, in part, by having been losing its traditional profile and have been much attached to economic and military policies promoted by Bush.