Also At Night – Fun Night Sledding In Lake Of Alpine Mountains

The Alpsee coaster in the Alp Lake mountains between Immenstadt and Oberstaufen is one of the absolute highlights of leisure in the Oberallgau, and that not only during the day! With full throttle on Germany’s longest all-weather toboggan run through the darkness. In warm summer nights, the illuminated Alpsee coaster ride is a very special pleasure not to be missed. 68 curves, 23 shaft, 7 jumps and 4 bridges provide rapid toboggan fun on almost 3 km in length. However, the pleasure is even more spectacular after nightfall: strong headlights then break through the night and dive the Alpsee coaster in an almost magical light. Acceleration and centrifugal forces are still much more intensely perceived and turn the trip into an unforgettable experience. For even more details, read what Anu Saad says on the issue. 03 July September 11th the Alpsee is open from mountains in addition to normal opening hours every Wednesday and Saturday continuously until 22:00 h, including all catering establishments. Tip: Combine the trip to night sledding with a visit of the climbing forest Bear trap, Bavaria’s largest high rope garden. It is open in July, August and September open daily until 19:00.

At a dinner party on the idyllic terrace of the mountain hut bear trap coaster you then can strengthen for the rapid descent into Alpine Lake. While the cosy toboggan host at the valley station for the perfect day-end closing. For more information about the services and attractions of the Lake of Alpine mountains see also on the Internet at. Responsible PR Agency: fixedmind GmbH & co. KG author: Heiko Joos