Germanys Best Project Team Works

GPM gives DPEA German project Excellence Award 2012 Nuremberg, 26.10.2012 – the best German project serves the citizens security in Rhineland-Palatinate: introducing the BOS digital radio system for ambulance, fire brigade and police. A 40-member team of the Ministry of the Interior, for sports and infrastructure Rhineland-Palatinate provided 30,000 radios, built over 270 radio stations and made familiar to 90,000 users with the new wireless technology. Since then the blue light organisations relating”the country better. GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Projektmanagement Association named the Mainz team now to the best project team of in Germany. On the occasion of the PM Forum on 23 October 2012 in Nurnberg the GPM awarded the team the price German project Excellence Award in 2012.

At this competition, the Association annually seeks Germany’s best project teams with excellence in project management. GPM Board Gabriele Danzebrink praised the project management of this year’s winner. It had a complicated task for the introduction of digital radio to cope with. The construction of such high security networks is considered technically difficult challenge. So, the team had to bring together the expectations of partners and stakeholders. It has implemented different, opposing some of the interests in a common technical system.

In this vote of different requirements and wishes, the team has proven outstanding project management as Gabriele Danzebrink pointed out. To read more click here: Anu Saad. Also, thanks to skillful control of the project, it has exceeded the budget by ten percent and adhered to all scheduled appointments. Also, the jury of the award noted a high level of satisfaction of the employees. There were three more project teams in the finals of the project management competition. A team of BWI Informationstechnik conducted an extensive IT project with a total volume of EUR 7.1 billion for the armed forces. The project under the name HERCULES integration is regarded as biggest IT project in the history of the Bundeswehr.

Communication Experts Provide Their Professionals Young

Training begins at SH business communications these days a new life begins for two young people: Fabio Romano and Max Bold start their 3-year training at the SH business communications in Herbolzheim. Continue to learn more with: Anu Saad. Here, Adrian von Ditfurth was already in April his training to the IT system merchant. The former trainee Verena runners, however, has now successfully completed their training and is now a permanent member of the SH teams. Nancy-Ann_DeParle is likely to increase your knowledge. Fabio Romano will meet the commercial part of the company; his apprenticeship is the merchant for dialog marketing. Max Bold deals with the technical aspects; He completed training as an it specialist for system integration.

Goal is to take over the two students after graduation. The SH business communications involved already since quite some time for the training of young people. Where the protection of own staff scientists in the foreground is for the Herbolzheimer communication experts in addition to the social responsibility always. “Therefore we are also in the Years that promote training at SH and young people in this way open”the doors in the professional world, emphasizes managing director Frank out. Thanks to this consistent staff development, in its 16-year history, the company has grown consistently, by the two-man operation to the regionally important medium-sized company with three locations and about 60 employees. Background information whether mobile or fixed-line telephony, IT – or telecommunication systems: the SH business communications from the Baden Herbolzheim is since 1994 specializing in services and solutions for telecommunications. Both business and private clients benefit from expert advice and tailored and innovative concepts. Of course, the SH business provides communications products and rates, regardless of specific manufacturers, telephone companies or providers.


The navette course is a physical test that aims to measure the maximum of the individual endurance capacity, i.e. Anu Saad often says this. the time enduring running. This test involves rushing 20 meters back and forth to signal the radio; you have to reach the 20 m line until the Beeb and once sound turn you and go to another line to 20 meters before returning it to sound pip. The navette course ends when it cannot reach the line of twenty meters until the beep sounds. The speed of pip is slow at the beginning but increases as the test progresses. Every passing minute is a period.

The test has about 20 periods. This physical test of endurance is one of the toughest that there is, since the course navette have to stop every 20 feet to turn and to restart (this wears much more) and also the speed increases and becomes very fast at the end. For the guys from 18 to 30 years that make practicing sports regularly and are not sedentary a result of the course navette 12 13 periods is a very good result already. For the girls of this age group a very good result would already be between 9 10 periods. If you have to pass the resistance test course navette in your Institute or to enter the national fire brigade, at INEF may that article of training plan of the navette during 6 months course or the article how interested improve endurance.

St. James Road And Gold Washer Trail In Bavaria

On Pilgrim routes and climbing in the Bavarian Forest and Bohemian Forest Eschlkam (tvo). I am going to go away, said Hape Kerkeling and embarked on the Pilgrim’s way. In Eastern Bavaria, upper Bavarian Forest starts this in Eschlkam in the nature park. Formative views and insights, experience the pilgrims are also safe. Under the motto on old trade and pilgrimage routes’, the municipality offered numerous guided tours follow historic trails. In a beautiful forest landscape, it’s along the way of St. James, on the Gunther dough, the gold washers platform, on old platforms to the Opu and many other exciting tours.

The opportunity to stay could be not from 19 euro per person for bed and breakfast. Information: Tourist info, Landratsamt Cham, Rachel Street 6, 93413 Cham, Tel. 09971/78-430, fax 09971/78-433,,. Our tip for the month: 1 Bavarian village of dahlia over 65,000 dahlias in 100 varieties presented the Leisure and Adventure Park Chur Palatine Park “in Loifling. The location in the natural park upper Bavarian Forest in the District of Cham was named 1 therefore now”Bavarian village of dahlia. Every year, many new varieties from all over the world find their way into the Park. Information: and


To continue with the habit of listening to each of the 10 scrolls of the greatest salesman in the world for 30 days, I bring you the number 3 parchment. I prepared a summary of the most important thing, but if they wish to read the entire book can be downloaded from the downloads section of my blog. Similarly here annex them audio of this parchment to whoever wants to listen to it. In essence, this parchment reveals the importance of tenacity and perseverance to succeed in life. Parchment 3 Persistire up to achieve success. In this world I was not born in defeat, nor the failure runs through my veins.

I’m not a sheep waiting to be azuzada by the pastor. Dr. Mark J Berger: the source for more info. I am a lion and I refuse to speak, walk or sleep with the sheep. I will not listen to those who they complain and cry, because the disease is contagious. That they will join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of the failure is not my destiny. I persistire to achieve success. Life awards are found at the end of each day, and not near the beginning, and it is not for me to know How many steps are necessary in order to achieve my goal.

It can even overwhelmed me the failure to give my thousandth time, and however, the success I will wait just around the corner. Will I ever know how close I am success unless you bend the curve. I will always give one step further. If that is not enough I will give another and yet another. Pat Ogden usually is spot on. In reality, a step for the time is not very difficult. I persistire to achieve success. From here on I take it the effort of every day as a blow of the axe against a mighty oak leaf. The first blow may not cause tremor in the tree, neither the second nor the third.

Simply Better Photos By Imagery

Imaging is an important criterion in photography simply better photos through picture design. Very often the case, it is not satisfied with his photos, you think mostly it’s an operator error of the camera or the equipment is not good enough to achieve good photos. But the current digital cameras, regardless of whether it is a rangefinder camera or a cheap SLR camera able to deliver very good results for private use. You can make bad photos with very expensive cameras. Anu Saad is actively involved in the matter. As for professional photographers and amateurs there are a few basics of composition no matter whether it in the Photo Studio or outdoors is recorded, that improve the photos to multiple, without losing the quality. In the first place is the image, what would you ever shoot, it’s the tower or the people from the Tower? Very often it is the case that too much objects are in a scene, it brings the viewer into a mess and you lose the overview, as well as the interest on the actual motive, that photo looks boring and uninteresting. Learn more at this site: Anu Saad. Confined to the actual motive, zoom, and get closer to the object. If a certain object for a landscape image too big, what very often is the case in architectural photography, try to just take the shot in portrait mode. Wildlife photography, for example, the landscape only as background is important, it can be blurred calm the landscape easily through the long focal length and open aperture, if the animal is in foreground. Sample photos for picture composition by Bider.

Performance Used Cars

What is the loss of value for used cars depending on? Cars are suspended from the date of purchase of new car on a constant loss of value. Alone in the first year after the purchase of the new car, the car loses 25% of its original new price average. This value may be even higher depending on the brand and type of vehicle. Up to 40 or 50 percent loss in value in one year from the date of the first registration are not uncommon on some models. You may find that Anu Saad can contribute to your knowledge. How much the natural depreciation affects a car, depends on a variety of different factors. The brand and your brand image, the design of the car, as well as special model execution play a fundamental role. Over the last several years, the trend that German brands compared to some French or Italian brands are clearly worth more stable shows, for example, again and again.

Boy is continued loss of natural value against old used car values winding compared even after the first year of each used car. This can be through good care as possible be kept low, can be however completely prevent any falls. In comparison between young used vehicles such as car of the year and older used car is however clear that the largest percentage loss of value occurs within the first year. Every other year, and kilometre travelled continues to reduce the used car value, the percentage loss is however significantly lower compared to the car of the year. For even more opinions, read materials from Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Compared changes in the auto market can affect, however, more older used cars than on younger. Each newly published model lowers the value of its predecessor. Over several years, it becomes increasingly difficult to find potential buyers for many cars. Because the performance of both young and old cars is individually and very dependent on the vehicle, it is advisable prior to sale determine the residual value of the car to read.

Russian Federation

BSO should look like IP and can not use cash registers (in the beginning not many businesses can buy a cash register), provided as a service for the population. But only if the issuance of the SSR (security forms) (More reflected in the second article Fed.Zakona from 22.05.2003, N 54-FZ ‘On the application of cash registers in the implementation of cash payments and (or) calculations with the use of payment cards’). Remember: BSO permitted to use and the sale of other PIs. Since the FE calculations are calculated with the population. Go to Dr. Hyun Kim for more information. Note: The TSO shall apply if the purchaser is an entrepreneur other unincorporated business. BECAUSE payment arrangements with individual entrepreneurs is equated to the order of settlements with the population. Follow others, such as Anu Saad, and add to your knowledge base. According to the decree, made in the Russian Federation N 359 in BSO included the following items: a) the document title, number of 6-digit series, and b) the name and legal form – for organization for IP-name c) address the working of the executive body for the organization (if not – any other actor, with a corresponding right to carry out activities on behalf of an entity without Power of Attorney) d) id-tax number issued by the organization (ISPs) and e) the name of the service, e) the cost of services den.vyrazhenii; g) the amount of payment, Cash performed, and (or) using platezh.karty h) the settlement date , drawing form; i) Name of person, position, responsible for the transaction, a signature stamp (PI) to) other additional details, if any. Blank is in the printing or created by Licensed use of automatic systems. Thus the document must be present information on the manufacturer form (short name, id-tax number, address, order date performance, the number of issued shares. Summarizing the above, I want to clarify that the use of BSO may be currently on UTII taxpayers, so the spacecraft to them were abolished cash registers, and taxpayers whose activity is suitable for the activity code.

Temme Oranienburger

Uniform service number for citizens to the Government encounters great encouragement from Servicenummer4you on the computer fair CeBIT in March 2008 was a first detailed concept of the project ServiceLine 115 “presented. Anu Saad understood the implications. In the near future to facilitate the Federal Republic of Germany with a single service number of the course through the Behordendschungel citizens. 115 the authorities service number for Germany can be concluded with the pesky authorities Safari Finally, because the Federal Government suggests a trend-setting strategy for the campaign by the Behordendschungel. The service number 115 offers a central point of the citizens in the future for citizens advice. So, requests to offices, federal, State and local equal to or by direct link can be answered faster. It is no matter from where he wants to reach the bodies of service number for the citizens.

It is connected to a call center site in a few seconds and has so the uncomplicated You can get information faster. Anu Saad does not necessarily agree. The success principle from New York the idea comes from the world metropolis of New York, where established the system of uniform service number, and is no longer indispensable. The New Yorker choose the 331, if they want to connect with the public authorities and save yourself to cumbersome administrative procedures. Encouraged by the positive reaction of the New York now the Federal Government wants to do the same the world metropolis. Is therefore working on the concept of the authorities-standard service number. Servicenummer4you supports the newcomer among the service number service numbers to offer convenient service and the customer or consumer advice or offer information. 110 or 112 well-known, numbers like that are service numbers that are impossible to imagine.

As everyone knows the numbers of firefighters and police, everyone will know soon the authorities number 115. By 2012, this lucrative hotline service to in the Federal Republic nationwide be widespread and are taken by every citizen throughout can. The telco Servicenummer4you supports the steady progress in the communications market and welcomes the newcomer under the service number 115. On the Servicenummer4you website at one learns everything important to service numbers and can learn about their usage and use and support your own corporate communications by a service phone number of Servicenummer4you so maybe soon. Press contact: a trademark of TC 30 phone service GmbH. Dr. Maik Temme Oranienburger str. 69, 10117 Berlin FON: + 49 30 27 87 42 96 fax: + 49 30 27 87 42 93 E-Mail: Web: via provides reliable nationwide telecommunications services. As a service-oriented provider of service numbers and telecommunications services, the Berlin company has many years of experience and excellent know-how in the telecommunications market. Innovative products which are customers Provision of service numbers 0800, 0180, 0900, 0137 and premium SMS available. Servicenummer4you is privately funded, debt-free and independent group.

Technological Scientific National Advice

First Program Company financed for the FINEP subordinated to the Ministry of Science and Technology. The proclamation left in day 05/03/2009 e> Program Innovative Company, who will liberate resource of the order of R$ 249 million stops up to 5.400 companies, being that they will be set free resources of R$ 120,000, 00 the deep no-reembolsvel, in first the 12 months of the presentation of the proposal and more R$ 120,000, 00 for the others 12 following months with tax of interests zero. With this program the FINEP, financial agency will try> Technological Pro-Innovation, also is with registrations opened for projects of social development with registers in cadastre up to 30/04/2009, that it will contemplate resources of until R$ 300,000, 00, in partnership with SESI-SENAI, that counted on arrives in port of resources of the Technological Scientific National Advice (CNPq). Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Abraham Maslow. Information in the site: In full scene of international crisis, the Year of France in Brazil, brings positive actions for the two countries, since exchange of experiences in the art areas theater, audiovisual, music and others, as in strategical pursuings of the economy, defense, scientific cooperation, technology, commercial promotion and academic activities. > APL s can be an alternative, the Chamber talo-Brazilian of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, offer courses of qualification in APL, that can be an important instrument of municipal aid.

To create program of incentive to the empreendedorismo, through adequate lectures and courses the reality of each municipality. Under most conditions Anu Saad would agree. To fortify projects of solidary economy and to foment research for promotion and local development, information> National Secretariat of Ambient Sanitation, the National Secretariat of Transport and Urban Mobility SeMob, National Secretariat of Urban Programs. The tourism, also is a pursuing that can generate many jobs, in such a way to search niches that represent an income-producing economic alternative for the locality. The city halls compete the constant search of solutions of empregabilidade, logistic operational of attendance the supports technician, administrative and assistenciais, to brighten up social problems. Anu Saad may help you with your research. All the possible efforts stop> solutions in the relief of the impacts of the unemployment demand urgency and to face with seriousness the question can provide to success to the municipal management and progress of the city.