We’ve all had dreams, and we all know it is difficult to make dreams reality. It all starts with an idea or several, but if you apply to take the necessary actions to make your ideas, or things you want, … happen, then you lack innovation. The word innovation is associated with the idea of the new, to do new things. What is new, is something that never existed before, at least not the way it is being presented.
If you are able to cross the threshold that exists between creativity and innovation and get to run your business, or your project or your invention, then, I must congratulate you because you will not be a dreamer, but a builder, a doer dreams. What is innovation? For practical purposes we will say that innovation is simply taking the best option generated in the creative process and decide firmly to realize our idea, or our dream, overcoming all kinds of obstacle or limitation, making use of our determination to achieve it. The innovative no longer just a creative, to become an entrepreneur, many entrepreneurs at this stage “pull the towel” or make this process very long, so allow time for your competition to get ahead and beat the game. Yes, do not be such a perfectionist, because if you want to make something perfect, you’re always working on your project and will never view of others. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. is the source for more interesting facts. Why? Because everything we do, can be improved. All human activities can be further improved, and when they are considered a good level of “perfection”, surely we will find that there are other things that can be improved. This road never ends, and this is not bad, is the spirit of continuous improvement, is the essence of development. To avoid delays, it is very important properly manage our time properly planning all of our activities to make them as soon as possible.
To ensure that nothing we forget, and that all critical aspects of the process implementation of the idea, are taken into account, it must make a plan. This plan should consider all aspects needed to bring our idea to reality. Go by taking actions that draw you closer to your goal, develop a plan assigning time-bound, describe your goals for each day and check your daily plan. If you are working, using your free time in all this, and when your business is run, and you consider quitting your current job. But never give up if your business is not yet generating sufficient income. And remember if you do nothing, nothing will happen, you need to make things happen. If you want to learn more strategies and free tools to increase your creative potential and to realize your business visit: email: Have the best of success!