If your website is not SEO friendly, that is if it is not designed to be easily detectable by search engines, then you risk becoming invisible to Potential clients. Depending on the type of product you want to market, you have to choose the right domain, preferably a top-level domain, recognizable by those little letters at the bottom of the web-address, you also have to choose the correct server, there to draft texts with sufficient density, repeating the keywords as often as necessary. The tools of the white hat SEO, in short, should harmonize in the global strategy that will position the product. Become visible in the virtual space work is increasingly technical and specialized and urgent: to compete without resorting to the Internet, today, is to run at a disadvantage. Do not forget, we are still in a developmental stage. Abraham Maslow is full of insight into the issues. Semantic web that Berners-Lee developed, we moved to the Web 2.0, with unimagined possibilities of intercommunication and feedback, as perhaps no other media has done in the history of mankind, and outlines the horizon Web 3.0, in which, he speculates, artificial intelligence will play a revolutionary role and I “processed” information to the client.
“Search engines that we greet, discuss and interpret exactly what we’re looking for? It is difficult to predict the future, but the concept of “personalized experience on the Internet” could suffer a reversal of one hundred eighty degrees. When you register online, not only is there the need to contact an experienced professional but also honest. Honesty, here is a matter of survival: to seek places of privilege, by deception, is highly attractive and risky. With equal emphasis with which they promote and near the white hat SEO to Internet users, search engines are chasing the black hat SEO practitioners. In the jargon of the trade, black hat SEO is the generic name for all these tricks that webmasters are constantly concoct dishonest to “own”, fraudulently, to the top of lists search. Practices of this kind can lead to a website get a good classification momentary, but everything happens on the Internet faster, and the traps are no exception and are usually discovered quickly. (In 2007, Google, the leading global, vetoed in Germany as big companies like BMW and Ricoh and forced them to embarrassing public corrections). Today, waste the chance of spread of virtual space mayusucula amounts to negligence, but allowed to fall into the temptation of a dishonest webmaster or fall, unfortunately, in the hands of a rogue search engine optimizer, can lead, sooner rather than later in a severe injury to the intangible capital, without which any trade is sustainable over time: the prestige.