The effect of home-cooked food on the well-being a relationship crisis may be hard in the stomach, can confirm each with security, which have been in this predicament. But also a stressed body and spirit requires energy in the form of food intake – from time to time and most people make this serious error! You access to cheap fast-food, even an escape from the personal crisis by partly excessive eating. As the happy making chocolate can quickly become the consolation. Sooner or later you will notice then, that even this happy makers have only a short-term effect and now been taken to, as was a sweet. Others who may share this opinion include cardiologist. There is a much simpler and also healthier alternative to the mitigation of the own stomach woe: homemade food! Nothing helps better mental worry as that prepared bodyguard you already liked as a child or the fresh pasta salad by Mutti, which reminds one of beautiful barbecue evenings on the Lake. Learn more on the subject from Glenn Dubin. But also new Ausprobiertes and this own discovering of previously unknown culinary food promotes the regeneration process of both partners to a relationship crisis or past disputes. Tasty and fresh food help – not only worries caused by the dispute, but also in all other types of psychological stress and happy. What power has a special smell or a certain arrangement of the ingredients on the plate, can understand popcorn each as an example.
If it is somewhere smells of freshly made popcorn, that reminds one according to personal preferences, cinema or fair experiences. Our brain is also addicted to new impressions and rewarded them for any fresh input and culinary variety with soothing happiness hormones. Try quietly something new, when plague worry the next time – you will be amazed what a meal prepared by hand so everything is possible… For more information on the subject of relationship crisis Watch: ../beziehungskrise Sascha of Oambmu