The characteristic dasprincipais of our society, the least under a vistaprtico point and material, is the increase each bigger time of the demand for abastecimentoenergtico. Ahmed Shary Rahman may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The solar energy is one of the energy alternatives more promissorasdo new millenium, it is inexhaustible in the terrestrial scale of time, as much comofonte of light and heat. The Sun is renewable power plant, and the seuaproveitamento in such a way as heat source how much of light, she is one of the alternativasenergticas most promising for the future. The solar energy is important napreservao of the environment, therefore it has many advantages on other sources deenergia, as not to be pollutant. It has time not if it found that the combustveisfossis would not be depleted, but this reality already comes moving.
Characteristic dasprincipais of our society, the least under a vistaprtico point and material, each bigger time of the demand for abastecimentoenergtico is the increase. This is the condition for the existence of our industry, nossosmeios of transports and even though agriculture and the urban life. At last, it is acondio for the existence of our society we know as it, is to impossvelimaginar in a society without energy is it which will be, or better, that origin this energy has, that is, aenergia is of essential importance. Words key: energy, inexhaustible society and. The solar energy, as the proper name says, is the energy generated for the Sun, uma source of inexhaustible exploitation in the terrestrial scale of time, tantocomo source of light heat how much. Per many years the humanity survived combase in the manual and animal work. The first inanimate power plants, as hydraulical wheels and mills of wind, had meant a importanteincremento quantitative of the regimen of work. It is from the energy of the Sun that if of a evaporation, origin of the cycle dasguas, that it makes possible the represamento and the consequent generation of electricity (hidroeletricidade).