To speak on sex for adolescents is for many, everything what they want, already for some, is a subject that if does not have to argue. This reflects the culture of the Brazilian Society, where in many families the subject is dealt with form ' ' preconceituosa' '. The technological advances have contributed for the end of many taboos. Today one says on sex in all the segments, and in the schools the subject this enclosed one in the resume next to disciplines of Sciences. Yes, there will be waiting lists – a morbid fact of life – but once we get there we generally expect good health care that will see us leaving hospital cheapest viagra for sale on the mend. This occurs viagra sale in both males and females. If cialis side effects any person fall the victim of the problem, it can make you impotent. It is a condition which cialis generico canada is affecting more and more men are looking out for penis enlargement techniques. The National Curricular Parameters point the subject as a health question. To put the subject sexuality presents many fields to work in a school. In this work beyond dealing with the subject as being a problem health, presenting the stages of the development of the sexuality in the human being and quarrels on the subject, as reproduction and DSTs, will be carried through a research on pregnancy in the adolescence, a social problem that brings great consequences in the indices of causes that affect the Brazilian society.