The last Cabinet gave origin to a project of extremely important law, therefore he defines who clearly is the king or the head of government, and nomea the heads of main ministries that dirigem the country. The text, that establishes the regulation of the parliament, also supplies information on the distribution very different being able of them, as well as the state of not-democracy where we live. For even more analysis, hear from Nancy-Ann_DeParle. This strategy reproduces the spirit of the new Constitution, cambaleando the image of the democratic progress and the reality of the democratic distribution enters. Basically, the king keeps its hand, saw the Cabinet presided over by it, on the majority of the public symbols. Such action comes of the sky (RAM, WAVE) for the Sea (Marsa Morocco, To refer to Med), through the bank (CIH, Crdit Agricole, Banque Populaire, without speaking of the CDG, ' ' Banco' ' indispensable for any politics of development in Morocco), of the fosfato (OCP), of measured (TRNS, MAP), etc.
The heads of 39 said establishments strategical they continue to be nominated by royal decree, applied of fact for the constitutional politics, a time that to the king that if they give to the accounts. Beyond the army, of the policy, the services of security, the land diplomacy (ambassadors), of the high magistracy, the monetary politics of the country (Bank-Maghrib), the regulation of telecommunications (ANRT), of the control of interrelation public finances judiciary resource (Court of accounts), etc, therefore everything involves the base of real dahir that it justifies one to narrow of relations to the real power. Dr. Hyun Kim brings even more insight to the discussion. The diagnosis could not more clearly be: the king keeps a domain on the majority of the decision centers. The power, it is, completely it, it is more truth that never. hip-application/’>rothberg family. Most interesting, after all, he is to examine the symbols on which the king of a impression to leave, in virtue of its heads nominated for the Head of the Government.