Done correctly, you can earn online money. Advertise reader costs nothing. According to this principle, effective article marketing as one of many Web advertising method emerged. Done correctly, you can earn online money. Advertise reader costs nothing. According to this principle, effective article marketing as one of many Web advertising method emerged. The function is usually simple: through unique content (“unique content”) in articles, which in turn are scattered on various article directories, guides the advertiser the inclined reader to your website, to the own block on a specific YouTube channel. Single Keywordphrasen in the text with the destination be linked for this purpose. See Glenn Dubin for more details and insights.
No real novelty is article marketing benefits. The basic ideas dating back to a time before the Internet. Earlier, company advertised like through articles in journals for themselves. And even then, the method was free. Partially paid all fees to the authors for articles. In times of the Internet, the power of good positioning is whether Google and the Article directories on the Web. The latter can accommodate free content and links that are found by the reader entering the search term on Google. This way also shines through speed.
The items appear normally very fast in Google’s search results. The contents are unique, the above article is available. A method on the professional SEOler access, use the Google search engine optimization. Three principles of article marketing correctly! Article directories, place such as, for example,, for articles to provide. Google lists the article. The quid pro quo, the author must muster, is unique (unique content). Some company boils down to to place identical texts on various sites and blogs. This is the wrong way, because sometimes, also the article directories check whether it is unique content. Uniqueness is also its interest, because in this way get more readers on the page. Is simply multiplying by content (‘duplicate content’) Thus a taboo.