Iridology (also called iridodiagn sis or iris diagnosis) is a diagnostic of alternative medicine whose creators believe that the conformation, color and other characteristics of the iris can be examined for information on the patient’s health. Its practitioners relate their observations to iris graphics dividing it into areas that correspond to specific areas of the human body. The eye sees iridi logos as “windows” through which you can see the functional status and health of the patient. Seasoned iridologists graphics used to emphasize what systems and body parts are healthy and which are overactive, inflamed or sore. Kamagra buy levitra sildenafil jelly has few common side effects. Normally get viagra no prescription is offered out there as Sildenafil Citrate, Sildenafil or V-i-a-g-r-a and as so many others. Increased blood circulation leads to improvement in buy cialis viagra sexual activity. X-ray images are then taken continuously discount here viagra sildenafil buy to detect how the dye is moving through the arteries. Professionals use this information to establish the patient’s susceptibility to certain diseases, to confirm former health problems, or to predict future health problems that may be brewing.As there is a treatment, practitioners of this technique are studying and practicing other specialties of alternative medicine such as naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. .. Or are doctors who apply conventional treatments based on the diagnosis iridologist.