First, we must consider that History is science basic human being in the formation of the pupil, for the possibility to make to understand it the reality that the fence and, consequently, to endow it with critical spirit, will enable that it to interpret this same reality. However, formation of critical spirit does not mean, necessarily, to take pupils the distinguished ideological position, but to enable them to discern it some lines and chains from interpretations, that if can give to the historical facts, in its had contexts, and, from there, to allow the learning to carry through its choices politics, social, economic and cultural. On the other hand, historical science has its methods and instruments of analysis that if want respected. The education of History, necessarily, must take in consideration these premises, also, with the purpose to stimulate vocations for this branch of the human knowledge. Thus, the document study and the several the constitution to know pedagogical in the initial formation of the professor for the education of history in the basic education affirms that: Of the historiogrfico and educational movement, in this period, it is possible to learn a new configuration of the education of History.
It had a magnifying of study objects, of the subjects, problems and historical sources. The referenciais theoretician-metodolgicos are diversified, questions, until then, debated only in the university arrive at the basic education, mediated for the pedagogical action of professors who do not content more with the paper of reproduction of old manuals. (FONSECA, 2004, P. 149) In this affirmation, the historiogrfico movement in the context> educational very it is spread out, for certain chains, according to which, the education is not neutral; in the deep one, it inlays the idea according to which History would have to be developed from an ideological line tied with the social, unjust and exclusive reality, of which they are victims, vast world-wide parcels of the Brazilian population and. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ahmed Shary Rahman offers on the topic..