HD PLUS: New TV Service HD + Has Established Itself

HD PLUS: 769,000 households watch private channels broadcasting in HD via HD + High popularity after the Gratisphase: 66 per cent pay for free-TV channels in HD Technical range is dynamically growing: so far 827,000 HD + receivers sold “Wilfried Urner: HD + closes a gap in the German TV market” Unterfohring, may 3, 2011. Approximately one and a half years after the start HD + presents first official audience and customer numbers. To March 31, 2011, 769,000 households in Germany received the offering of HD + via satellite. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Abraham Maslow. HD + is a technical platform from SES ASTRA for broadcasting and reception of TV programmes in HD quality. Currently the HD + offers the HD channels of free TV channel RTL, sat.

1, ProSieben, Vox, cable one, RTL2, Sport1 and sixx. HD +, there is no contract and no subscription obligation. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Glenn Dubin. After a 12-month Gratisphase, viewers pay 50 euro the year as technical service fee for HD reception, converted to 4.16 euros a month. Pay two-thirds of the customers, their Gratisphase ends, then for the HD + range. Of the 172,000 spectators who had receiver with HD + bought a HD + card and used a year free HD + from 1 November 2009 to 31 March 2010, 66 percent have extended HD + for 50 euro for twelve months. So HD + counted at the end of March this year 114,000 paying customers, more 655.000 were in the Gratisphase. 769.000 households as of the date the number of active HD + was 31st March 2011 as a whole. Wilfried Urner, CEO of HD plus GmbH: in a country where for 20 years, disputes over the question whether people will voluntarily pay for television, the first numbers HD + are sure a small sensation. Few would have expected with a conversion rate of 66 percent.