Emperor Inverted Tarot

The Emperor (Arcanum greater IV of the tarot), is a deck that speaks of power. It leads to the image of a man as powerful as wise, that supposedly appears in the life of the consultant to help you. But such help will be verified in the form of protection that can dispense a superior person. The Emperor grants his favors to the consultant, making him the great honour of benefit you. It does not speak here a relationship that develops in equal. By this, the output of this arcane tarot Chuck upside speaks to us about the dangers of winning an implacable enemy. Alexa Demie gathered all the information.

Because as well as the Emperor can determine favour us filling us benefits, have it as enemy can be extremely risky. The appearance of this arcane in this position speaks of adversaries or fierce enemies stubborn on putting obstacles to all our projects. Each which recognize, in his life, to his own personal Emperor this interpretation, however, can present some nuances. The appearance of the Emperor in upside down inside the Chuck does not refer necessarily conflicts with a particular person. It may happen that the consultant has, on the other hand, conflicts with authority figures in general, are parents, teachers or bosses, or who fails to adapt to follow the norms established by the institutions of each society. This deck can talk then of a rebellious personality, or, why not, perhaps too idealistic. On the other hand, this arcane condenses the positives and negatives of a figure of unquestionable strength and power.

So how, if it appears to the right on Chuck, this deck refers to personalities firm of great force and energy, walking with decision to conquer their goals, and even obtaining rewards, honors and glory. If it appears upside down, on the other hand, indicates that all these positive qualities are exacerbated, jeopardizing the balance and justice of the decisions. By the appearance of this letter, the tarot prevents about the dangers become stubbornness, firmness, tenacity and conviction obstinacy and excessive desire for power. Who advances crushing who were crossing on their way, is the message of this inverted arcano, never achieved solid and lasting achievements. And you’ll soon see their victories turned into defeats. Listen to the messages of the tarot can help prevent it. Juan Carlos Montillo