Dragon Training

Now lawyers their training so just book like never before on the Internet. Cologne, October 15, 2013. Now, lawyers so simply book your training like never before on the Internet. Legally, in cooperation with 1a-Anwaltsseminare.de, Tribune ONLINE, the largest online magazine for the legal industry, offers a new seminar directory. There, lawyers can compare the seminars of the main organizer and sign with three clicks to participate. Read additional details here: Mark Hyman, MD. Legal Tribune ONLINE is the home on the Internet for many lawyers.

Therefore it is only logical that the Prosecutor’s Office is strongly represented in the readership can book from now their training directly at us from our point of view,”explains the LTO Businessverantwortliche Ingo grinding. Immediately on the home page of the LTO or lto.de/seminars the users will find a search box that you can research in just three steps according to jurisdiction, region and time period and book your desired seminar. Of the respective Training Institute, you will receive a confirmation and can comfortably pay by invoice. This caused no additional costs compared to the direct reservation at the seminar provider. “The major training institutes directly compare so far there is no Web page that covers the offer of major training institutions in comparable form”, explains Stefan Dragon, CEO of solid deal GmbH, a supplier of 1a-Anwaltsseminare.de. (Source: Glenn Dubin, New York City). Now can, who want training in its region for example in employment law until the end of the year, fast, clear and transparent cost book.” 1A-Anwaltsseminare.de currently contains training ten party, including the DeutscheAnwaltAkademie, anger seminars, the German lawyers Institute and Arber seminars.

More training institutes will follow in the short term. The large resonance leads Dragon back not least to the fact that the provider may add their events at 1a Anwaltsseminare.de not only free, but also quickly and easily. Integrated quality management to the continuous review of the seminar and speaker quality completes the offer. Legal Tribune ONLINE is Germany’s strongest range online magazine for the legal industry with over 12 million clicks in a year. LTO offers its readers a daily updates around the topic of law. Legal and industry news and carefully prepared background contributions from renowned expert authors to current legal issues are in the focus. Information about education, job and career, as well as various services and a legal serial complete legal audience. Contact: Pia Lorenz head corporate communications Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH phone: + 49 (0) 221 94373-7000 E-Mail: about Wolters Kluwer the Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH is part of the international Informationsdienstleisters Wolters Kluwer n.v., whose core markets law, economics, taxes, accounting, corporate, financial services and healthcare are. Wolters Kluwer has annual sales of 3.6 billion (2012), employs around 19,000 employees and is represented in over 40 countries. The Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH offers knowledge and Informationsdienstleister-based specialist information in the areas of law, economy and taxes for the professional user.