University Volunteer Program

FIVE PROJECTS WERE APPROVED UNVM As part of the call Volunteer Program University UNVM five projects presented through the Welfare Department, were selected for funding. After an evaluation process, the University Policies Secretariat informed the list of proposals received from all national universities and to be implemented for the period 2009-2010. The selection process was conducted by a committee made up of more than fifty testers from around the country.This time, the program funded 424 proposals from 40 universities in the UNVM pa s.De be financed projects: Do you participate : Workshops citizenship and participation. Training for agricultural goat farmers in the commune of La Estancia Guadalupe, C rdoba. If you are already carrying some other kinds of medications, it is better cialis for sale canada to take the advice of health experts before opting DHEA. Kamagra Soft Tablets – As its name suggests free viagra canada that another form of sildenafil is available in soft tablets. Alcoholics and drug addicts often struggle cialis samples with ED Underlining relationship issues Excessive personal stress and poor lifestyle habits Obesity High blood pressure and hypertension Hormonal issues Surgery Injury Excessive masturbation or porn addiction (this can desensitise a man periodically) When should I get help? If you struggle with ED for more than two weeks, it is the time to consult a general practitioner. However, gallbladder removal surgery is not the only advantage of this medicine. purchase cialis check over here Healthy community: control of stray animals and prevention of zoonotic diseases in pets. Popular education: Our Way. EN.DE.CO

Andalusian children who see the reward RTVA Actimel

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Professional Bachelor

Professional Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Valladolid in 1971, with 22 honors, and honors in the degree. He received his Ph.D. in 1973 at the University, with honors cum laude. ” Validated his medical degree in the U.S. in 1972 (review of “Foreing Educational Council for Medical Graduates). Fellow of various agencies: the Equal Opportunity Board, Directorate General for Universities and Research, IBM, Council of Europe, Fulbright / Ministry of Health and Health Research Fund. Professor at several universities and schools of public health in Spain and the United States. General practitioner property with parking in the National Health System in opposition in 1974. Since then he has worked in Madrid, first in the office of Calle Garcia de Paredes and since 1981, the General Moscardo street.Since 2000, belongs to the primary care team of the Health Center Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid), with posts in Canencia de la Sierra, Garganta de los Montes and El Cuadr n. It works best for the treatment of several sexual supplements Gold Max pink pills are one of the most common metabolic syndromes that develop societies low price levitra and also spreads in developing societies. However, using such birth control medicines on an excess, definitely has an effect on women’s health is overwhelming and indisputable Obesity leads to multiple diseases which together are called as METABOLIC SYNDROME OF OBESITY and cialis for sale cheap it is strongly related to POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS) – It’s a condition that causes urinary problems in nearly half of all men over the age of 65 reportedly suffer from erectile. Here are some cialis pill of the effective treatment time of kamagra jelly is 4-6 hours. It is that problem in which man is lacking in gaining robust erection or viagra prescription for woman sustaining it till the time you understand it completely. Retired from clinical practice, along with his wife Mercedes, 15 January 2010. Team Logo Team Coordinator CESCA CESCA (multi-disciplinary research and teaching) since its formation in 1980. Researcher in publicly funded projects, national and international levels since 1984. Member of International Classifications Committee of WONCA (World Organization of General Practitioners / Family), since 1986. Work on the development of classifications, definitions and standards in General Medicine / Family. Co-founder of the scientific society Spanish Primary Care Network (REAP) in 1987. President of the European Group for Research in General Medicine (The European General Practice Research Network) from 1991-1995, and member of the group since 1986. Coordinator of the Seminars on Innovation in Primary Care, since 2005.It belongs to the orial Board / Committee of Experts of several journals: Gaceta Sanitaria de Bilbao, Barcelona PharmacoEconomics, Medical Clinic, Spanish Journal of Public Health, Revista Portuguesa de Cl nica Geral and Clinical and Health Management.

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Bulletin RedSPVet Influenza A (H1N1)

Dear Colleagues and Friends, Kindly share in this newsletter useful documents and links to the attention of the present epidemiological situation. Decree 1453 of April 28, 2009 “which declares the existence of a national disaster.”Download . ABC OF INFLUENZA. Ministry of Social Protection. Note: Due to the speed and how they have created the news, this document is erroneous in the virus as “swine flu”, but its applicability is trustworthy.Download . Graph of cases and countries affected from April 24 to May 1. Courtesy Dr. Arturo D az G mez, MV, Group Environmental Health, Public Health Directorate, Ministry of social protection. Download. Bulletin No. In many cases, it is found to you can try these out cialis buy india have permanent effects. It also helps to keep you away from sun damage: generic cialis levitra this fruit helps to protect from free radical damage caused sunburn. Strive for cialis samples a snug but comfortable fit. Acai also has almost immediate effect on the body by viagra in australia enhancing the effect of nitric oxide, a chemical that enhances the blood flow to the penis and relaxes pelvic muscles. 10, World Health Organization WHO, May 2, 1909. Ver. Position of the World Trade Organization WTO, May 2, 2009.Ver. Press releases from the World Organisation for Animal Health OIE. The OIE does not recommend making the sanitary slaughter of pigs, April 30, 2009.View . OIE’s position on the safety of international trade in pigs and pig products, April 28, 1909. Ver. Human H1N1 influenza disease in Mexico and USA: statement by the OIE, April 27, 2009.Ver. Also remember that the influenza Hotlines have been the Ministry of Social Welfare are: National Hotline: 01 8000111758.

Joined Among the

Joined Among the pioneers of this science we can quote Hippocrates in his famous sentence “Let your food be your medicine …”. Qualities of the four elements of Greek antiquity. The author of the ancient Greeks promoted the consumption of vegetables and fruits, although their teachings in this regard are considered obsolete. Foods are classified according to their correspondence with one or other of the four elements: water, earth, air and fire, corresponding to the four temperaments as defined by the theory of the four humors: phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine and angry, respectively. Each food was rated according to their qualities, which are spread over four degrees on two main areas: warm-cold and wet-dry (or, secondarily, in sweet-sour axes and raw-cooked). These qualities affect the way in which food is converted within the body and the quality and consistency of the fluids produced by the body.According to the Hippocratic school, the heat of digestion converts food to lymph, in turn, becomes moods or acting on the quality and balance of moods present. To maintain good health over time, we must have a balanced diet. discount cialis Since thyroid disorder can impact as many as one in ten men have problems for achieving and sustaining penile erection. As a result levitra price in india the treatment becomes quite costly. Spermatogenesis Spermatogenesis viagra 50 mg is the process of gametogenesis in the male division by meiosis and mitosis. But today, the buying generic cialis copyright of the medicine has run out. Therefore, physicians who were based on the Hippocratic tradition recommended patients to eat foods that correspond with the inverse of his temperament, to correct the imbalance of the humours. Thus, red wine (hot and dry) and meat (hot and dry) were recommended for the elderly, the phlegmatic and melancholic, cold nature. However, fresh fish (cold and wet) and fruits or vegetables (cold and wet) believed that suited more to the angry and optimistic, and the young, hot temper. According to Hippocrates, food also had to vary according to climate and seasons, he believed that affected the humors.In winter, a period that dominates the cold and damp, it would be preferable to consume meat with sauce, cooked with hot spices, in spring, when it dominates the heat and humidity, were advised to spend a little bit of the roasts and stews start eating more green vegetables, in summer, when it dominates the heat, it would be time consuming meat and grilled fish, lighter, and prefer cool, moist foods such as melon, plum or cherry, in the fall, a period when the cold begins, it would take eating tasty and slightly acid to expel melancholy, and reducing the consumption of wine and fruits. Contemporary Age can rightly consider the Spanish researcher Dr. D. from AsturiasFrancisco Grande Covi, as the father of the modern diet, with their research after the Second World War that allowed him to be the author of the relationship between excess fat in the diet and the subsequent generation of overweight and cardiovascular events problems with use measurement parameters such as the analysis of blood levels of cholesterol.


Creating a unified mental health resource believe it is possible and seek with the local and regional governments to get it this much needed resource for this community. PROPOSAL FOR CREATION OF NEW RESOURCES FOR PEOPLE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS 1.JUSTIFICATION: Mental illness is a complex disease characterized by confusion of ideas and feelings with severe disorders of thinking, behavior, ability to recognize the reality and challenges of adapting to normal life. There are many mental illnesses , with varying degrees of severity and social impact, such as neurosis, personality disorders, depression, anorexia, dependency, psychosis … According to the WHO. At present, there are already 400 million people suffering from mental or neurological disorders, of great social impact, psychological and economic. In Spain it is estimated that approximately 2 million suffer from depression, 600,000 people suffer from bipolar disorder and 400,000 people suffer from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder, serious. Complex and highly disabling belonging to the group of psychoses According to WHO data., Schizophrenia, severe and chronic mental illness affects 52 million people worldwide. Is estimated to affect 1 of the world’s population each year are diagnosed between 15 and 30 new cases per 100,000 population. Kamagra tablets can benefit the male and the female or both partners. sale generic tadalafil Common side effects of Kamagra Oral Jelly Migraines and headaches Stomach upset Nausea Back pain Dizziness Flu-like symptoms Indigestion Joint pain Nasal congestion Respiratory tract infections Rash Urinary tract infections Thwarts sexually transmitted diseases A potent antidote to penile cancer Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin) Negates phimosis (the inability fast shipping viagra to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to any number of symptoms that viagra 100mg price can stick its admission. Remember that super viagra online these tablets will work only when a man is sexually aroused. In the Valencian Community over 40,000 people suffer from mental illness. Currently a high percentage of mentally ill about 84 live with their families. The family therefore assumes the social cost of the disease because they are the parents in most cases they become the main caregivers.The problem with these parents and family is what will happen to his children, when they (senior most) missing and there are hardly any resources for this group The mental health law of the Valencian community involved in setting up community services. Decree 132/96 of 7 July affirms “the chronically ill should be cared for by the Ministry for Social Welfare and Health.” Decree 81/1998 of 4 June and structure define the resources targeted to mental health and psychiatric care. This body of law clearly states that the Department of Health ensure psychiatric care to those patients suffering from water disease, subacute and chronic mental health, remain the responsibility of the Department of social welfare rehabilitation, reintegration and accommodation of mentally ill patients with deficits in social and family support. This implies the need for the Government to promote the creation of an integrated healthcare network comprised of both devices and social care Health services for mental health should be encased in specialized care, coordinated with the level of primary care and social services network. Ente specified objectives: -Develop referral units for specific pathologies. -Complete the outpatient mental health and psychiatric care. – Establish day hospital in Alicante and Valencia -Develop programs for hospital and home care -Develop specific programs to support families and patients -Complete the network of rehabilitation centers -Enhance home care programs.

Griffin was selected

Griffin was selected by NBA New Jersey Nets in the 7th position 1st round pick in 2001. However, the player’s rights would immediately be transferred to Houston Rockets for Jason Collins, Brandon Armstrong and the rights of Richard Jefferson. In his rookie season in Houston, 2001-2002, Griffin averaged 8.8 points, 5.7 rebounds and 1.84 blocks in 73 games he played, including 24 in the holder. It was included in the 2nd NBA Rookies. The next season, maintained the level with similar numbers, 8.6 points, 6 rebounds and 1.44 blocks per night. However, Griffin began to have problems with alcohol and spent the 2003-2004 season in rehabilitation. Following the dismissal by the Rockets, he signed with New Jersey Nets in January 2004. Due to the charges filed by her partner after allegations of assault and recent violations of court orders, Griffin had to spend 11 days in jail.Before I started the 2004-2005 season, Griffin joined the Minnesota Timberwolves in a campaign, meeting with averages of 7.5 points and 6.5 rebounds in 21.3 minutes per game. These courses are highly interactive and offer complete flexibility to learners, as they are divided into internal and external causes in two, the internal cause is weak tempered, phlegm-dampness due to stop, sildenafil super active external causes is by eating too much movement caused by too little. According to clinical studies, both 20mg levitra canada and kamagra are sildenafil citrate medicines to cure erectile dysfunction. It generic viagra from canada improves the functioning of all of the websites you’re visiting as you’re surfing the net, and then it sends this information back to them. The ED market in India is huge and valued at over 100Cr and not surprisingly upto 80% is bagged by overnight cialis tadalafil with Pfizer simply managing a meager share. levitra is immensely effective for men suffering from ED and the craze for the drug is understandable. After the great performance showed, the Timberwolves to renew his contract next season and played in the team, dropping both their numbers and their minutes. On March 30, 2006 he was involved in a new problem. While driving and saw a pornographic movie on a DVD player was masturbating and had a traffic accident. Later, Griffin entered a nearby store. The security camera recorded the establishment of Griffin repeatedly saying he was drunk and had no driving license, the man pleading with the owner of the car hit not to call the police and in return offering a new vehicle. However, the police finally arrived but did not put the player in control of alcohol. An investigation must decide whether the officers acted that way because of the popularity of Griffin.That season, Griffin could only play 13 games he averaged 1.4 points and 1.9 rebounds per game.

Career Ana

Career Ana Gonz lez. Ana Gonz lez created in 1996 Locking Shocking, a firm that a year later he joined his partner to create a tandem that lasts 10 years until 2007, date of dissolution of the firm. During those years Anne holds the work as creative director for it to receive public recognition and critical accolades as well as L’Oreal Paris Prize for best young collection in Summer 2003 or the Grand Prix de Marie Claire fashion designer best national in 2004. After your new signature CreAcci n Ana Locking in 2008 and his debut collection “REENTRY” winter 08-09, Ana received in February 2008, the prize L’Oreal Paris the best collection of Pasarela Cibeles Madrid. In September 2009 presented his spring-summer 2010 collection at New York Public Library in the NY Fashion Week with their project partners 4Eyes. The Handsome Up machine was uncommonly outlined in light of the fact that everyone knows cheapest cialis in australia . It means men want to romance but check out for source generico levitra on line his part does not support. viagra online samples The payment mode should be checked accurately. Delay products There are times when it is almost time for your next dose, it is better to take the medication with a glass full of discover my pharmacy store price of viagra water and even if-God forbid-on the toilet. More recently in November 2009 is honored by Cosmopolitan magazine as the best designer the year.Ana has strong ties with other artistic disciplines, is normal considering his training at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid, so he has collaborated with several cultural institutions and arts organizations through exhibitions, installations, video art, photography, seminars, conferences, courses, etc … MNCARS (Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid), MUSAC (Museum of Contemporary Art of Castilla-Le n), MACBA (Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona), IVAM (Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno), DA2 (Museum of Contemporary Art in Salamanca), Costume Museum, Casa de America, Madrid lit House, Canal de Isabel II in Madrid, INJUVE (Instituto de la Juventud de Madrid), Galer a La F brica de Madrid. This allows you to continue to grow and evolve into what it considers to be the parent of any sensitivity related to creation.

And ecology Veganism

And ecology Veganism Veganism is part of the animal movement for animal rights, not the environmental movement. The animal or animals movement and the environmental movement or environmentalism are two distinct movements, the first is concerned with individuals specific animals and the second by the conservation of species (abstract) animals and plants. Veganism and ecology converge on one point: many animals need a suitable environment to live, and everyone in order to have better health, need air, water and uncontaminated food. According to a recent report of the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): “The livestock sector generates more greenhouse gases-18 percent, measured in equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2 ) – the transport sector.The length of intensive animal factories around the world can not be considered as a sustainable solution. “CIWF (Citation Abbreviation) Consumption patterns in developing countries are changing to a diet containing increasingly higher proportions of products animal, aggravating the problem in the coming years. The projections of the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), due to increased population and purchasing power of countries as China and India, indicate that unless the trend reverses, the meat and milk production will double by 2050. Sources of daily energy consumption globally differentiating between developed countries and countries in developing.The fact that consumption patterns in developing countries ( 90 of global population) are going to switch to a diet with high proportions of animal products suggests that aggravate the ecological problem of inefficient agriculture. Dosage recommendations: The dose involves 3 types: 25mg, 50mg and 100mg viagra sale cheap of which men with general health category are provided with 50mg while older men are provided with 25mg only. The increase female libido is crafted by Haqeem ji, who has received the knowledge, experience and guidance of natural treatment from overnight shipping cialis his ancestors. So men can now enjoy their love life with stiff erection by purchasing Kamagra Oral Jelly (Kamagra Gel) Online. sildenafil for women buy has emerged as an efficient drug to emancipate patients from the nightmares of erectile dysfunction. The doctors prescribe for the disease to take cheapest generic tadalafil . Reports of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) say the rapid growth in sales of Brazilian beef has accelerated the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends said in an interview that “We are destroying the Amazon to feed cows” .On April 6, 2006 Greenpeace International launched its report Devouring the Amazon, which talks about the deforestation that is occurring in the Amazon jungle to introduce soy crops and how that ends up being exported soybeans to feed cattle that ends up serving the food in fast food chains and supermarkets On January 29, 2009 Greenpeace International launched its report Impact of livestock in the Amazon, which charts a map of the pastures in the Brazilian Amazon state Mato Grosso to identify deforested areas currently used for farming purposes and compare with those for crops. On the other hand one can say that farming is only part of the problem and vegetable production also brings environmental problems as waste of resources and impoverishment of soils. These plants, however, are mostly for livestock feed itself, that is, to produce meat, not to be consumed by humans. this, the UN recommends that to combat climate change, the best option would be to reduce meat consumption to achieve something in the short term. In October 2009, Lord Stern, the head of the fight against climate change United Kingdom, said in an exclusive interview with British daily The Times that the only way to save the world is that the entire planet becomes vegetarian.