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" When me entierren" By: Spinal morning call Rocks. " When they bury to me/please not they forget/my ball-point pen. (Mario Benedetti) Today I bring to the east light verse, that belongs to Corner of haikus, published when the great poet began to have a discussion with the shade of the death. For Mario Benedetti, the poetry was an attic of souls, a skylight for the utopia and a drainage of the life that teaches not to fear to the death. He was a dreamy and reiterative man in the subject of the death: " The dreams are small deaths/intrigues advance payments maneuverses of muerte/el to wake up however seems to us /una resurrection and by the doubts/we before forgot whatever dreamed the Loving plenary session the life, of the human condition: the love, the death, the time, the misery, the injustice, the solitude, the hope, knew to paint with the watercolors of the veins its discharges and their losses: " Times I feel like like poor hill and others like repeated summit mountain. There are plenty of herbal supplements canada viagra on the market today. By treating erectile problem and bringing sexual life back on track. cialis sale uk The medicine that was being made find this pharmacy shop now commander levitra for something turned out to be beneficial for erectile dysfunction. If you have not heard about the medicine, he can go online to levitra pills online or any other aphrodisiac. Times I feel like a cliff and in others like a blue but distant sky.

Sometimes one is flowing between rocks and other times a tree with the last leaves. But today I feel like hardly like sleepless lagoon with a wharf already without boats immovable a green lagoon and patient it conforms to its seaweed its mosses and its fish, night watchman in my confidence trusting in that one takes you approach and you watch yourself, you watch when watching to me. " I wrote based on the success, never I wrote what it left to me the balls and this is located what it in the seat of honor that it has in the heart of all we. To the young people it leaves east challenge them: " What they have left to prove to the young people in this world of patience and disgust? Only graffitti? Rock? Skepticism? also they have left not to say amen not to leave kill the love to them to recover the speech and the utopia to be young without haste and with memory to be placed in a history that is hers not to become old premature.

Ideal Body Weight

Maintaining an ideal body weight is a goal in life that is long term. However, you might sometimes want to lose weight quickly, because you have an occasion to come. Here are some suggestions that will help you lose weight in a short time. If you have a goal of weight loss, it is important to find out what is their motivation. The more motivated is, more likely it is to succeed.

For example, perhaps you purchased a beautiful dress that is a bit tight now. Watching with that dress you can give you the motivation you need to meet with your diet plan. You have to set goals that are specific, as well as realistic. If they are specific, you will know exactly what you have to achieve. If they are realistic, you know that you can reach them. It is counterproductive if you were set unattainable goals, by which avoids doing so.

Calculate the number of calories you need to consume per day to achieve your ideal weight. You might want to consult with a nutritionist for help you to realize that. You must maintain a well balanced diet with a healthy level of calories. Not conside the diets of shock, because that deprives your body the necessary nutrients. You should seek the nutritional and caloric content of the food you eat. Read the labels of foods if they are available. Many prepared foods are high in sugar, fat and salt, and empty calories are added to you if he is not careful with the reading of the labels. Choose foods that are full of nutrients. There are foods that are seemingly small in size but which are extremely high in calories. Psychologically, those continue reading address now generic levitra who undergo sexual malfunctioning experience a myriad of problems. Muira Puama: it is also a top supplements for aphrodisiac that enhance libido without causing any side effect. viagra prescriptions It helps cialis generic purchase to gain harder and bigger erection. Some of the most common health conditions are kidney disorder, diabetes, high levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure. cialis prescription For example, one tablespoon of butter has 100 calorie packs, and is mainly fat. Rich desserts are rich in fat and sugar. You don’t have to avoid them completely, but should eat them in moderation. Make a point of balance between caloric intake with the amount of exercise you are doing. For example, if you eat is a rich and delicious, dessert since I was at a party, exercise a little more the next day. Well feel is hunger from time to time. This does not mean to be dying of hunger. It only means that you don’t have to eat something whenever you feel a little hungry. It’s waiting for your next meal, and distraete making a fun activity. Water is an important drink in any diet. When you drink the water just before a meal, you will feel a little more complete, and the final result will be a smaller meal. This is an easy way to reduce the calories in each meal. We must bear in mind that any discomfort that can be felt in your diet is temporary. Your body needs to adapt to a new level of activity and a new routine of diet. Therefore, take time to get used to it, and not feel dejected or discouraged. Remember that you must enjoy something you like whenever you reach a goal towards your goal. This will motivate you to keep going until you’ve reached your ultimate goal. Maintaining a healthy weight is an activity for a lifetime, but it is OK if you want to lose weight fast at times. When you see that has the ability to achieve the goal you have set, you will feel motivated to cling to that goal

Pain Therapy

One of the principal directions therapy – the elimination of pain. Analgesic effect have the various instruments. It is best to eliminate the pain of dynamic electroneurostimulation (DENS), low frequency (DEET) and kraynevysokochastotnoe electromagnetic fields bioresonance therapy (Biomedis). There are devices that combine the effects of strong painkillers factors. This RIKTA-ESMIL-2 – the device electro-light-magneto-infrared laser therapy (five medical factors), and Radamir Aquarius – Apparatus ehf, information – the wave (ICT) and millimeter therapy (MM). Pain system is designed so that pain impulses carried by nerve fibers from the receivers of external information – receptors that located in the skin and internal organs to the spinal cord and then – in the cerebral cortex. Receptors for individual points and body parts (zones) are connected with the work of certain organs (the biologically active, or acupuncture, the points and zone). Proved that the therapeutic effect on the system as a whole or some of its units (levels) much more efficiently than the effect on one, even very important, area.

Therefore, procedures should be directed at the place localization of pain (eg, shoulder joint), and the head area, and the reflex zones and acupressure points. So when the pain in his shoulder acts directly on the shoulder and neck – collar region and head, with pain in feet – to the affected area, lower back, the biologically active points and zones on the head area. As much as these problems occur, there are many institutes that forge the certification as well, but then the numbers are online prescription viagra without very few, so the risk factor is less. A good source of potassium, vitamin B6, B3, dietary fiber and folate and contains the online order for viagra largest amount of digestive enzymes compared to papayas and mangoes. There are several physical and canadian viagra professional psychological causes are the most common causes of Erectile Dysfunction. Kids in this age bunch tend to passage much better in gathering settings and private treatment, particularly when more proper treatments are cheap viagra 25mg utilized. Devices kraynevysokochastotnoy (EHF), laser, magneto-infrared laser therapy (MILTA), thermotherapy, ultrasound, darsonvali, magnetic field, dynamic electroneurostimulation (DENS) can be applied directly to the zone of pain. Note: thermotherapy, and ultrasound for aching joints used only when there is no swelling of the joints. If pain is severe, the local impact on the affected limb is better not to hold, as is worsening. In these cases affect only the area of the head, spinal cord, the reflex zones.

Apply treatment magnetic field, magnetic – infrared – laser, dens – therapy, light rays in conjunction with the magnetic field of ehf. Strong analgesic effect has a low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field (devices DETA), including those exposed to the head area (program Antibol “,” Headache “). Magneto – and magnetic treatment is carried out on the forehead, neck or through the foramen magnum (back at the base of the skull, on the border with first vertebra). White light and light in combination with the magnetic field affected by the visual analyzer (the patient looks at the light from the device). Home physiotherapy techniques are simple, are described in detail instruction to the device and are constantly improving.

Battle Against Overweight

I received an unsolicited email from the good result is obtained using the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret of the Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst program by a reader and decided to publish it as the reader wrote it and is that everyone has a story or more about their success or failure with different diets, programs and supplements for weight lossusually there are many stories of failure and few successful because that becomes a constant battle with little knowledge on the subject, this will always result in failure. Here is the email that I received: since I was in high school I had problems with my weight and at that age one already aware of if same, of how it looks, its weight, unfortunately when one is young weight sometimes defines your role between friendships and social groups, it does not change much when they go through the years, perhaps not the same but still at least in my case I was still looking in the mirror and was not at all happy with my figure, right now I am 35 years old and I can tell you that my weight to been a topic that concerned me since I had 15, but that is just now. The grounds for some sorts of impotence can be cured of only with the help of a medication process and not through any kind of treatment. price of viagra 100mg basically works by increasing the flow of blood in the penis while sexual stimulation is carried out. This gives rise to increased side effects viagra tab as the body is tested, which include the function of the erectile tissue of the penis to increase blood flow to the penis and makes his shaft hard enough to start pleaser game of sex and desire and keep an erection to complete intercourse up to when everyone in the game gets satisfied. However, it increases the risk of bleeding and women who take anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications should not use this drug if you : are taking any nitrate medication, such as nitroglycerin for angina, as it may lead to various health consequences.Posted in view this pharmacy store order viagra SOft Tab | Tagged viagra Soft Tab | Leave a comment | EditKAMAGRA Is The Best Impotence Treatment is the best place , in term of the prices. The medical experts explain that such health of intimacy of a number of males & led for immediate treatments for the males who have been suffering impotence for a very long time. tadalafil discount My first diet started it when just entering high school, salteaba me breakfast, I sat in the cafeteria with my friends and what they ate were toasted wheat bread and carrot pieces, that was all! For dinner you away or ate very little of my mom preparing, again taking care of me calories. My stomach always towards noise all the time, I thought that he was losing weight and achieving my goal since almost not ingested calories, in addition to exercise every day in my room after school, as result lose weight, but I did it all wrong. My health I charge it, had not led to the body the vitamins and nutrients needed to function properly, but at that age did not think about the effects in the long term that would bring me.

Information About Whey Protein

The powder must be resolved before consumption in water or low-fat milk. Whey protein helps athletes achieve its training objectives and even the human brain needs is the dietary supplement, good to work a certain amount of protein. So should everyone, regardless of whether he drives sports or not, pay attention to a high-protein diet. Athletes have a higher need for protein. An athlete needs up to 2 g of protein, which is equivalent to 80 kilo 160 grams per kilo of body weight. Proteins deliver important amino acids that promote muscle growth and influence the important metabolic processes of the body.

Even the human brain needs to work well a certain amount of protein. So should everyone, regardless of whether he drives sports or not, pay attention to a high-protein diet. Athletes have a higher need for protein. An athlete needs up to 2 g of protein, which is equivalent to 80 kilo 160 grams per kilo of body weight. Athletes it is not always possible to cover the higher protein requirement of daily dietary and sports nutrition, to which belong also the whey proteins, was precisely designed. This is because it cheap viagra samples is very effective in dealing with lower semen production which causes due to low libido. Having a purchase generic cialis bargain prices strong and positive psychological foundation keeps that overwhelm in check. However, it is very unlikely that you get more than a drink or two can usually dampen your libido; it can also online viagra prescription soften your erection, or it just makes difficult to have an orgasm. Known chemically as phosphodiesterase inhibitors, medications like learn the facts here now buy generic viagra are all orally taken to help fix the problem.2. The whey protein is a whey protein concentrate, obtained by ultrafiltration. It is also known as Lactalbumin. In addition to its high biological value, it has the advantage that it is virtually fat – free and sugar.

By using whey protein the protein structure is needed for muscle growth can be stepped up. Which in whey protein of contained BCAA’s also make sure, that recovery is accelerated after the workout. Whey protein is digestible and has no unpleasant side effects when it is consumed according to the dosage requirements. The powder must be resolved before consumption in water or low-fat milk. Whey protein supports the athletes in achieving his goals and is the ideal food supplement when it comes to the increased protein demand. Who is the purchase of whey protein Decides, should buy products from a specialist. In drug stores, there are today even whey protein, but usually not with such a high rank, as in fitness stores.

Ramon Gallegos

I am who I still conceiving of This way to the divine reality, but I must point out that I accept the conception of the perennial philosophy. Good parents and good Kings protect us and try to give us at least some of our desires. When we imagine the divine reality is similar in nature, we can easily come to spend a lifetime waiting for the divine reality to reward us in the same way. Thus, the natural human religious impulse can lead us to spend my whole life worried about the desire for more and suffer as a result. However there are other ways of conceiving the divine reality. These other ways tend to encourage surrender rather than desire.

They tend to move us to want what we have. The philosophy of desire we have relies on the assumption that in the world there is beauty, meaning, truth, love and mystery at all times and under all circumstances, although it is sometimes difficult perceive these things, or even imagine them. Beauty, meaning, truth, love and mystery are not limited to add their respective quotas of goodness to life. Psychological and Emotional Factors Job stress, performance anxiety, guilt for not being able to satisfy the partner, depression, low self esteem amongst others. order uk viagra is one of the most important requirements for having a happy and amazing relationship is to have great levels of sexual pleasure that you derive from each other. It remains active in the body for about 5 to 6 hours, thus giving men enough time to please their online discount cialis partner. Many of the people call such machines as regular ones so that you can blow the air at a constant pressure throughout the night regardless what you viagra cialis online are going to have. It is discount cialis loved this the most impacting and prominent cure for impotency. The everything is much greater that the sum of their parts, here enters conception of the dynamic spiral development of consciousness. Dr. Ramon Gallegos pointed out that, beauty, more meaning, more truth, more love, more mystery, equivalent to something impressive, unnamed and inconceivable.

That something we might call it reality divine. When I can imagine the divine reality, I see the right hand of a human figure huge and glistening. The fingers of the hand are beauty, meaning, truth, love and mystery. I imagine that your other fingers, their members, their internal organs and his face are equally important forces, but I can not name them or conceive them. What great shimmering figure represents is the divine reality as the perennial philosophy recognizes it.

Weight Loss

The obsession to lose weight that reach some people, in many cases reaching the extremes bring strict control on every food you consume, counting each of the calories that particular food you will contribute to your diet is incredible. Do a panorama can imagine more stressful than this? Calorie count is a practice very used by those people who want to lose excess body weight at all costs. Does the calorie count? Of course if the problem lies in the strict control that must be done at each of food that will be consumed and in how easy that is to break this diet or this method to lose weight. In many cases the calorie count is the first step towards anorexia. If a person who is over weight you want to lose it, it is not advisable to resort to counting calories, the key is to replace.

Eat everything that you want and lose weight in the process is possible, everything is to replace these foods we consume by versions generally healthier thereof. If you are people that taste of the foods made with refined flour, replace these by integral versions, high fiber content which contain the whole grain flours will prevent that you raise weight. Milton is a progressive cialis 20mg city that combines modern urban life and small town charm, with a mixture of small communities, tourist centers, and state-of-the-art medical facilities. These women generally have viagra without prescription canada reduced oocyte quality, lower developmental potential, and poor clinical outcomes when they undergo assisted reproduction treatment. “Healthy women have healthy eggs and are more spread among them than other age groups. But if you are sildenafil without prescription still facing troubles getting pregnant, then there must be some disorders like infertility. Varied Treatments Options For ED Troubles Include: Self-Injections through which medicine is inserted into the urethra Oral medicines Surgery Hormone therapy Vacuum Pumps Penile Implants Behavioral therapy Out of these treatments, oral medicines cialis tadalafil online are the first preference of the patients. The majority of people use refined sugar as sweetener for meals, try replacing it with versions more healthy as fructose or honey, they will avoid will suffer a possible diabetes in future and to keep it in shape. Replace red meat by white like chicken and fish meat; Since the body costs it more time digesting red meat, both your liver and your body weight will directly benefit with the consumption of white meats. Replace desserts with fruits and nuts.

Completely remove soft drinks from your diet, and replace them with natural juices. Completely remove oil from your diet is highly recommended, but surely many of their meals are not very appetizing; replace traditional cooking oils by vegetable oils of sunflower (the more clear it is oil better) or better still, by olive and sesame oils. Enduring hunger for weight loss is not nothing recommendable and medium-term is not even effective. Improve your eating habits replacing all the foods you eat by versions more healthy, reduce the portions of food, increase the amount of water that takes in the day and see how your body begins to lose that fat has more.