The whole family you have waited for this day long nine months, and that very soon a newborn pipsqueak be home! How to help your child more easily adapt to new conditions and make the very first days he was growing up healthy? Take care comfort and health of the newborn baby is better even before his discharge from the hospital. First you need to prepare a "living space" a little housewarming. Ask someone from the home for your arrival to the apartment wet cleaning, Children learn from carpets to remove books in closed cupboards. Plus, the Think about where the baby's crib will stand (it should be kept away from drafts and closer to daylight). Contrary to superstition, which does not advised prospective mothers to shop for your baby before birth, prepare a minimum set of things is better than before.
For the first time your child will need: 5-6 flannel and the same number of thin cotton or cotton diapers, diapers (at the rate of 5-6 per day), 3 light and 2 warm undershirts without a collar, 2-4 pair of sliders, 2-3 lung cap and a warm, 3-4 pairs of thin and warm socks. A little later, will need a pair of overalls for easy walks, but on Summer – T-shirts, shirts and shorts or a body with short sleeves. Well, if veshchichki will wait for the owner in full "combat readiness" (pre-wash and pat them). When my mother with the baby comes home, do not arrange in honor of this event noisy feast – and she and the child is now badly needed rest. And indeed the first time social circle a little better to be minimized because the new people around the baby – it is also a new infection, from which body crumbs until it is difficult to defend. For the same reason a newborn should not kiss, especially in the face – this prohibition applies not only to loving parents but even my mother. Pure-clean on the first day after Check crumb should not worry even swim (he already suffered a serious challenge – moving from the hospital), simply wash away his after each "big" toilet. Official site: Ahmed Shary Rahman. But the very next day Introduce baby to water element and make these procedures a daily ritual.
The first days the baby is better to bathe in boiling water or wiping with a soft sponge soaked in warm water without soap. But if the baby's skin healthy, you can wash it, and under the shower adjusting the water to 34-37 C, the main thing – be careful during the procedure to not contaminate the umbilical wound. When healed navel (this is usually to 7-10-th day after birth), a pipsqueak able enough to splash in the children's bath. From time to time be required hygiene and nose, and ushkam small. Make of soft cotton turundochku, moisten it with oil and gently remove the crust from the nose or sulfur from the ear. But to get involved in such procedures and arrange them unnecessarily should not be – it can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. Require careful handling and the eyes of the child, most often it is quite enough ordinary washing. However, if the eyes water or fester, without consult an ophthalmologist is necessary.