A blog, or Spanish is also a blog is a regularly updated website that collects articles chronologically texts or one or more authors, the most recent appearing first, where the author always retains the freedom to leave published as deemed appropriate. The term blog comes from the words web and log (‘log’ in English daily). The term blog, referring to the old logbooks of ships, is used when the author writes about his own life like a diary, but published online on the Internet. Description Typically, in each article in a blog, readers can write their comments and the author to answer them, so it is possible to establish a dialogue.However, to state that this is an option that depends on the decision made about the author of the blog, because blogs allow you to design tools in which not all Internet users-or no-can participate. The use or subject of each blog is unique, there are personal, journalism, business or corporate, technological, educational (edublogs), politicians, etc.. History Before blogs became popular, digital communities exist as Usenet, mailing lists and BBS. In the 90 programs for creating Internet forums, such as WebEx, talks with threads enabled.The wires are messages that are related to a forum topic. 1994-2002 The modern blog is an evolution of online journals where people write about their personal lives, as if it were a diary but net. Webring open pages included members of the community of online diaries. Justin Hall, who wrote in 1994 his personal blog, while a student at Swarthmore College, is generally recognized as one of the first bloggers. Until cheap viagra no prescription thought about that a few years ago cancer was frequently fatal as there were limited treatment options. Either the heart is not pumping with enough pressure, the artery walls are too dilated, 100mg viagra price or there is not enough intravascular fluid (intra=within + vascular= blood vessels) within the system. Effective stomach qi, can improve weakness, yellowing of the semen and gynecomastia (male bust configuration). viagra no consultation Impotence is one of the most common medical conditions in the modern world, affecting millions of people across the worldHas higher efficacy and safety profile and has treated impotence in over 80% of menContains slidenafil, a powerful ingredient for treating impotence in viagra cost general. There were other forms of online diaries. One example was the diary of John Carmack game programmer, published by the Finger protocol. Web sites such as corporate sites and personal web pages, had and still often have sections about news or developments, often on the front page and sorted by date.One of the earliest precursors of a blog was the personal website of Kibo, updated through USENET. Early blogs were simply updated components of common websites. However, the development of tools that facilitate production and maintenance of Web articles posted in reverse chronological order and made the publishing process could go to many more people, and not necessarily with expertise. Lately, this has meant that today there are different types of ways to post blogs. For example, using any browser-based software is now a common aspect of blogging.Blogs can be stored by blog hosting services dedicated or may be used by blogging software like Blogger or LiveJournal, or by current web hosting services like DreamHost. The term “weblog” was coined by Jorn Barger on December 17, 1997. The short form, “blog” was coined by Peter Merholz, who split the word weblog in the phrase we blog in the sidebar of your blog Peterme.com in April or May 1999.