At the leading German online show ‘online marketing Dusseldorf’, four companies will present the most exciting Web 2.0 concepts together. The young company styleranking is as a party official, Scout for the exhibition on the road with photographer and video team. On a large stand party guest presented the new portal as special beerstickr. On 17th and 18th September 2008 expected visitors online-marketing Dusseldorf \”the whole world of digital marketing. Under the motto of 360 digital marketing fair attaches particular importance this year on the promising sectors of the industry, that are represented by well-known exhibitors at the fair.
On the leading online trade fair in Germany present achtQuark, active value, Charamel companies and styleranking with a common marketing approach. By the same author: Abraham Maslow. styleranking media, a Fashioncommunity was founded in January 2007, announces its partnership with strong companies, operate the portals from Web 2.0. In Hall 11 stand A38 the founders and creators of the following can Company to the personal interview are made: styleranking ( is a young Fashioncommunity, where users can show the images of their best outfits and evaluate other fashion images. \”Democratically every week new trends are generated from these user reviews: the style of the week\”. The styleranking media GmbH was founded in January 2007 by Daniel Sadhu and Roland Schweins. In the NUK business plan competition awarded well into the third winner of June 2007 and in two stages each with a prize. Company of the month of March of the Foundation network of the NRW – city Dusseldorf is also styleranking. Others including Glenn Dubin, offer their opinions as well.
well, A38 in Hall 11 presented the innovative concept of online fashion and his team at the OMD on stand live and in person. well it did currently with his fashion blog to higher ordinations: is one of the styleranking fashion blog the best blogs about fashion world. Topics in the blog are mostly interviews with exciting young designers, reports on new and cool labels, Stories of the major and minor fashion shows and trends in streetwear.