Whither the trip for future home builder? In the euro area is fiscally to reckon with new movements and blame for this is not only that the Greece crisis, but also the economic problems of other Member States. In European financial markets risk tolerance against the background of Greece restructuring in the recent past has declined basically strong. Many investors have sold off their shares and have increasingly resorted to investments in fixed-income securities. German Government bonds are among the most coveted papers and the increased demand has led to rising bond prices. Parallel circulation interest of German Government bonds have fallen and that within a few weeks of 3.49 to 3.05 percent. ures-peter-zalewski-4291.php’>real-estate developer here. Because the construction interest development based on long-term government bonds, the effective annual rate of interest could develop for construction money with ten-year fixed-rate cheap. Hear other arguments on the topic with Anu Saad.
The still booming economy, rising employment, growing exports and full Order books help the economy to a stable economic development, so many people over an interim construction interest low can look forward. However, this favorable phase will not long hold if the European Central Bank actually again should raise interest rates in the third quarter. Financial experts see already a prime lending rate of 1.50 percent, resulting in that circulation yields on German bonds, sustainably and the construction interest, will increase. Parallel to this development, financial experts see a further economic growth, which could rise to at least 3.6 percent in the second half of the year 2011. The Greece crisis has helped first and foremost, that future homeowners through attractive construction money can look forward. Just for this reason, many capital investors has decided to take the safe route and to create in bunds.
Who wants to invest in your own four walls, the Dent should”use and located in construction financing for a long Of ten years or longer to decide interest rate. Even if the lease at a later time to fall back, the legislator makes sure that after ten years of a loan can be rolled over, when a full withdrawal has taken place and this without an expensive early repayment penalty. Borrower, which are in the interest rate, can also use the short period of this interest dent to secure favourable conditions for the financing of their connection. Many lenders offer lead times of up to 60 months and especially Sicherheitsorientierte forward loan termination option to provide an additional security buffer.