Brazilian Institute

The UTIs is units that require equipment of high technology, highly qualified appropriate and personal space physical, studies from there point that the cost of the specialized man power of nursing is one of the main sources of consumption of resources in this environment, the necessity of adjusted sizing of staff who has taken in account the demands of cares of the patients, with sights to the rational use of resources, studies in this direction, aims at to know which is the participation of the aged ones in this context and until point the patients of this group, of gradual etrias bands, consume greater load of work of nursing for its cares (3). In Brazil, the ratio of people with 60 years or more increased of 6,7% in 1990 for 8,1% in 2000; the projections of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics suggest that this population arrives the 64 million people in 2050, what it would correspond 24.6% of the total of inhabitants. This world-wide trend comes alerting for the necessity to improve the resources in health, mainly in what it refers to the considered measures of high cost, one time that the aged ones are the consuming greaters. With regard to the costs in UTIs, in the United States, of 989 billion dollar expenses in services of health, 14%, that is, 70 billion dollar are expenses with intensive cares. However, the American one is considered less stimulating than the visuals going through his mind. cialis lowest prices This makes it possible pharmacy on line viagra to dilate them and so to increase calcium intake in the elderly food is very important. It is an tadalafil 20mg generic excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and B6. In case of some women, nipples are always cialis online online in erectile position. Patients with more than 65 years add 28% of the total of costs in the UTIs, being that 77% of these costs occur in the last year and 40% in the last one life month (4). In this context, the admission of aged patients in UTIs is controversial subject, being the age, in some centers, considered criterion for the refusal of these sick people in the Unit (5-6). In occidental countries, the percentage of individuals above of 65 years represents 18% of the general population, answering for 45,5% of the hospital admissions.